Chapter 05: System Dynamics
5-1: Historical Background
{Exponential growth: The growth rate is directly proportional
to current level.}
Question: Define System Dynamics. (’97)/Describe the
principle of system dynamics study.
System Dynamics study? What is the principle concern of the System Dynamics
study? (’01)
Answer:The principal concern of a System Dynamics
study is to understand the forces operating in a system in order to determine
their influence on the stability or growth of the system. The output of the
study will suggest some reorganization, or change in policy, that can solve an
existing problem or guide developments away from potentially dangerous
5-2:: Exponential Growth Models::
Question: Discuss exponential growth
models and its application in simulation. (’97,’99)
Answer: Growth implies a rate of change.
Mathematical models describing growth involve differential equations. We can
consider the growth of a capital fund that is earning compound interest. If the
growth rate coefficient is k (i.e.,
100k% interest rate), then the rate
at which the fund grows is k times
the current size of the fund. Expressed mathematically, where x is the current size of the fund,

This is a first-order differential equation whose solution is
the exponential function. The solution, in terms of the mathematical constant
e, which has the approximate value 2.72, is

Following figure plots for various values of k and an initial
value of 1. It can be seen that the fund grows indefinitely, whatever
(positive) value of k is used, and it
grows faster with greater values of k.
Looking at the curve for k = 0.2, and
picking the point x = 2, the
corresponding slope at the point A has a certain value. Later, at the point B,
where x has become twice its value at A, the slope has become twice as great as
at A. Since the slope is measured as the first-order differential coefficient,
this fact is simply the reflection of the law defining exponential growth: the
growth rate is directly proportional to the current level.

Question: How can we say the following data represents a
exponential growth rate with the help of semi-logarithmic graph paper?(see
table 5-1,page 86)
Answer: Another way of describing the exponential
function is to say that the logarithm of the variable increases linearly with
time. To test whether any particular set of data represents exponential growth,
the logarithms of the data should be plotted against time. If the data then
appear to fall on a straight line, the growth is exponential, and the slope of
the straight line will be greater for larger growth rate coefficients.
We can plot given tabular data on semi-logarithmic graph paper
where the horizontal lines are placed at logarithmic intervals. Plotting data
on such paper is equivalent to taking the logarithm of the data and then
plotting on normal linear graph paper. Following figure shows the gross
national product for several countries plotted against year on semi-logarithm
paper. The points fall reasonably well on straight lines, indicating
exponential growth rates.

Question: How can we calculate the growth rate coefficient
from straight line on semi-logarithmic graph paper?
The growth tare coefficient can be estimated by picking two
points of the straight line that best fits the data, and taking the (natural)
logarithm of the ratio of the value. If the points are
, the
result is

which it is possible to derive k. In terms of the more familiar logarithms to
the base 10, the corresponding result is

From table, for U.K--, the values for 1965 and 1971 are 35.3
and 55.6 respectively.
So the growth rate co-efficient for U.K.,
is 7.5%
Question: What is time constant? Describe with respect to
exponential growth model.
Sometimes the exponential growth rate coefficient k is expressed is the form of
so that

The solution for the exponential growth model then takes the

The constant T is said to be a time constant since it provides
a measure of how rapidly the variable x grows. For example, when t equals T,
the variable is exactly e times its initial value
. If T
is small, say 2, x reaches this level after two time units. If T is large, say
20, x only reaches that level after 20 time units.

inverse relationship between k, the growth rate coefficient, and T, the time
constant, means that a large coefficient is associated with a small time
constant and, therefore, a more rapid rate of increasing. For example, a growth
rate of 0.05, or 5% will double the size of a population in a little under 14
years, while a growth rate of 10% will do the same in just under 7 years. The
value 14, 7 are the time constants of the two cases.
5-3:: Exponential Decay Model::
Question: Discuss exponential decay models and its
application in simulation. (’97)
Answer:This model is closely, related to the
exponential growth model. In this model variable decays from some initial
at a
rate proportional to the current value. The model can, in fact, be interpreted
as a negative growth model. The equation for the model is

The solution is 

The model is shown in the following figure for various values
of k. Constant k is sometimes expressed in the form 1/T. The characteristic of
the model is that the level, x , is divided by a constant factor for a given
interval of time. In the interval of T time units, the level is divided by e.
Since e is approximately 2.72, the level is reduced by a factor of 0.37. Each
successive interval of T reduces the level by the same factor.

Above figure illustrate the exponential delay. Here different
delay model need different time units (delay time) to reach the same output
level, x.
An example of a decay model is an aging population, which is being diminished
by deaths or breakdowns. Another example is the manner in which radioactive
material decays.
[Side note:


5-4:: Modified Exponential Growth Models::
Illustrate modified exponential growth model with an example. (’01)
X = The number of people who might buy the product,
x = The number of people who have brought the product,
X – x = The number of people who have not brought the product.
x = k(X – x)
x = 0 at t = 0
and the solution is

Figure: Modified exponential curves.
5-5:: Logistic Curves::
Question: What is logistic curve? Explain
logistic curve in terms of logistic function.(99)
The logistic
curve/S-shaped curve resembling the one shown in the following (fig.1).
![]() |
Initially the curve turns upward, looking like the
exponential growth model curve. Eventually the curve reaches a point of
inflection, where it turns from an increasing to a decreasing slope. From
there, the curve resembles a modified exponential curve. An example of this
shape, in terns of the behavior of people buying a product, can be given.
Initially the sales rate will tend to be proportional to the number sold, which
is the condition governing the exponential growth curve. As more products are
sold, the market begins to become saturated, the conditions of the modified
exponential model take over.
The logistic function is, in effect, a
combination of exponential and modified exponential functions that describes
this process mathematically. The differential equation defining the logistic
function is

Initially, when x is very much smaller than X, which is
the market limit, the value of term X - x remains essentially constant at the
value X. The equation for the logistic function, therefore, is approximately

is the equation for the exponential growth model with a constant of kX. Much
later, when the market is almost saturated, the value of x will be close to the
value of X, so that it changes very little with time. The equation for the
logistic function takes the approximate form,

is the differential equation for modified exponential function with a constant
of kX.
5-6:: Generalization of Growth Model (N.B. Please follow book, Page(91-100))
Residual market for residential telephone used in
U.S. is dependent on the following three economic factors:
- the number of households in the U.S.,
denoted by Hi;
- Disposable personal income per
capita, denoted by Pi and
- Local service revenue per telephone,
denoted by Ci.
Then the mathematical model takes the form


5-7: System Dynamic Diagrams:
Question: Discuss the basic structure of
system dynamic model. (’99)
![]() |
The basic structure of a System Dynamics model is illustrated in the following figure(1). It consists of number of reservoirs, levels, interconnected by flow paths. The rates of flow are controlled by decision functions that depend upon
conditions in the system. The levels represent the
accumulation of various entities of the system, such as inventories of goods,
unfilled orders, numbers of
employees, etc. The current value of a level at any time
represents the accumulated difference between the input and output flow for
that level. Rates are defined to represent the instantaneous flow to from a
level. Decision functions or, as they are also called, rate equations
determined how rates depend upon the levels. Sometimes an auxiliary variable
needs to be defined, usually by combining other variables mathematically by
some relationship other than the integration implied by a rate equation and a
5-9: Multi Segment Models
q Question:
Draw the system dynamics diagram for the following mathematical model of a
computer club: (’01)
Number of total members;
Number of members present;
Number of members using UNIX;


Representation of time delays for system
When there is a need to represent a time delay, the
simplest method is to introduce an appropriate time constant. Suppose there is
a level x of outstanding orders, and it is known that it takes an average of D
time units to fill an order. A System Dynamics representation would say that
the outstanding order level is being depleted with a time constant of D time
units, and would include the following decay equation:

In general, to represent a delay, it is necessary to identify
the level that is controlled by the delay and apply the rule
, this
is sometimes called an exponential delay because of the solution it produces.

![]() |
Problem: Dhaka computer center operates their
services for some period of time. Students come here to learn programming
languages. Initially, student arrival rate was exponential form. But presently
it decreases due to some economical factors. Students at first learn PASCAL
programming language and after that some of them learn C language and then they
leave the center.
X®Number of interested students who want to
join the center.
x ®Number of students who arrived the center.
y ®Number of students who learned PASCAL
programming language.
y¢®Number of students who are interested in C
programming language.
z ®Number of students who learned C
programming language.




Define System Dynamics study? Discuss the basic structure of system dynamic
model. (’99)
What is the principle concern of the System Dynamics study? (’01)
Draw the system dynamics diagram for the following mathematical model of a
computer club: (’01)
H: Number of total members;
Y: Number of members present;
x: Number of members using UNIX;

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