Chapter 07:(Arrival Patterns and Service Times)
7-1:: Congestion in
Question: What is queue?
(M.Sc.- ’97,’99)
Queue: Sometimes, in a system, there are more
entities arrive than can be served at one time, and some entities must wait for
service. The entities are then said to join a waiting line. The combination of
all entities in the system- those being served, and those waiting for service-
will be called a queue.
Question: What are the
factors (characteristics) that affect congestion in systems? Explain with
examples. (M.Sc.- 98)
Answer: Congestion in a system may be described
in terms of three main factors (characteristics). These are:
(a) The arrival pattern, which describes the
statistical properties of the arrivals.
(b) The service process, which describes how
the entities are served.
(c) The queuing discipline, which describes
how the next entity to be served is selected.
The service process, in turn, is described by three main
factors: the service time and the capacity and the availability. The service
time is the time required to serve an individual entity. The service capacity,
or, more simply, the capacity, is the number of entities that can be served
simultaneously. The service may not be available at all times.
Mention the congestion characteristics of a system. (’99)
Answer: The congestion characteristics of a
system are given below:
Congestion in a system may be described in terms of three main
factors (characteristics). These are:
(a) The arrival pattern, which describes the statistical
properties of the arrivals.
(b) The service process, which describes how the entities are
(c) The queuing discipline, which describes how the next entity
to be served is selected.
Question: How can we express service
process in terms of service time, capacity and availability? (’01)
The service process, in turn, is described
by three main factors: the service time and the capacity and the availability.
The service time is the time required to serve an individual entity. The
service capacity, or, more simply, the capacity, is the number of entities that
can be served simultaneously. The service may not be available at all times.
7-2: Arrival Patterns
q Question:
How can we express the arrival pattern of a system? (’01)
Usually the arrival pattern is described in terms of the
inter-arrival time, defined as the interval between successive arrivals. For an
arrival pattern that has no variability, the inter-arrival time is a constant.
Where the arrivals vary stochastically, it is necessary to define the
probability function of the inter-arrival times. Two or more arrivals may be
simultaneous. If n arrivals are simultaneous, then n – 1 of them have zero
inter-arrival times.
notation will be used for describing arrival patterns:

For describing arrival patters, to express the distribution in
terms of the probability that an inter-arrival time is greater than a given
time (t). We define
as the arrival distribution, so that:

Since the cumulative distribution function
is the probability that an inter-arrival time
is less than or equal to t, it is related to the arrival distribution by

From its definition, the function
takes a maximum value of 1 at t=0 and it
cannot increase as t increases.

7-3:: Poisson Arrival patterns::
Question: Describe
Poisson distribution:
Answer: The
Poisson distribution describes many random processes quite well and is
mathematically quite simple. S.D. Poisson introduced the Poisson distribution
in 1837. The Poisson probability mass function (pmf) is given by

One of the important properties of the Poisson
distribution is that the mean and the variance are both equalsa to a, that is, E(n)=a=V(n)
The cumulative distribution (cdf) is given by

The probability
mass function(pmf) and cumulative distribution function(cdf) with a=2 are shown below:
A computer terminal repairperson is “beeped” each time there is a call for
service. The number of beeps per hour is known to occur in accordance with a
Poisson distribution with a mean of a=2 per hour. The probability of 3 (three) beeps in the next
hour is given by,

with n=3 as

Question: Explain
Poisson arrival patterns. (’97,’99,’01)
Answer: There are certain situations where the
arrivals are said to be completely random. This means that an arrival can occur
at any time, but the mean arrival rate be some given value. If we assumed that
the time of the next arrival is independent of the previous arrival, that is
the probability of an arrival in an interval
is proportional to
is the mean number of arrivals per unit time,
then the probability of an arrival in
. With
these assumptions, it is possible to show that the distribution of the
inter-arrival times is exponential. The probability density function of the
inter-arrival time is given by 

If follows that the arrival distribution is

is the mean number of arrivals per unit time.
The actual number of arrivals in a period of time t is a random variable. It
can be shown that with an exponential distribution of inter-arrival times, the
probability of n arrivals occurring in a period of length t is given by

This distribution is called Poisson distribution and it is
discrete. The exponential distribution is, of course, continuous, since the
inter-arrival time can take any non-negative value. Because of this connection
between the two distributions, a random arrival pattern is often called a
Poisson arrival pattern.
7-6: Erlang Distribution
Write short notes on Erlang distribution.
There is a
class of distribution functions named after A. K. Erlang, who found these
distribution to be representative of certain types of telephone traffic. An
arrival pattern governed by this type of function has the following density
function and arrival distribution

distribution is T/k1/2, so that the coefficient of
variation is 1/k1/2. The coefficient has a maximum value of 1 for
the case of the exponential distribution, and it decreases as k increases. It follows that data
represented by an Erlang distribution (k>1)
cluster more closely to the mean value than exponentially distributed data, so
that there are fewer low values and high values. Ultimately, as k tends to infinity, the Erlang
distribution tends to the case of a constant arrival time, for which the
arrival distribution is the step function shown in the above figure(1).
7.7 Hyper –
exponential distribution:
Question: Describe Hyper-exponential distribution. /Explain
Hyper-exponential distribution through a physical model. How can we generate
Hyper-exponential distributed random number/variates?
Answer: The hyper-exponential distribution defines a class of
distributions that have a standard deviation greater than their mean value.
Consequently, they can be used to match data found to have a co-efficient of
variation greater than 1. They represent the data where low and high values
occurs more frequently than with an exponential distribution. The data distribution may in fact be bimodal,
showing a peak on either side of the mean value. It is possible to give a
physical analogy to explain the nature of the hyper-exponential distribution.
Suppose that there are two parallel stages of processing as shown in the
following figure (fig: 7-4). Both stages have exponential service times, one
with a mean value of T/2s and other
with, mean value of T/2(1-s), 0< s £1/2. When an entity in to be served, a random
choice is made between the two stages; the probability of choosing the stage
with mean of T/2s being s and the probability of choosing the
other being (1-s). A second entity
can not enter either stage until the preceding entity has been cleared. The
equation for the resulting arrival distribution is found to be

The variance is

When s=1/2, the value of K is 1 and the distribution becomes the exponential distribution. Following figure illustrate some hyper-exponential arrival distributions for various values of K and the corresponding values of s are shown in the following figure (fig:7-5,Page-157):
The process described below can generate hyper-exponential
distributed random numbers:
Step1: An exponentially distributed random number with mean
value of 1 is generated from a uniformly distributed random number.
Step2: A second uniformly distributed random number is compound
to s, if it is less then s, the exponentially distributed random
number is multiplied by T/2s,
otherwise, it is multiplied by T/2(1-s).
Explain exponential distribution and describe the procedure to generate random
variates for exponential distribution.
Answer: The exponential distribution has probability density function
(pdf) given by

and cumulative distribution function (cdf) is given by

The parameter
can be interpreted as the mean number of occurrence
per time unit. If inter-arrival time
had an exponential distribution with rate
, then
can be interpreted as the mean number of arrivals per
time unit or the arrival rate. It can be expressed through following type of


For any i,
so that 1/l or
is the mean
inter-arrival time.

Random Variates
Generation for exponential distribution:
The goal here is to develop a procedure for generating
which have an exponential distribution. The inverse
transformation technique can be utilized, because the cdf, F(t) is of such
simple form that its inverse,
be easily
computed. A step by step procedure for the inverse transformation techniques,
illustrated by the exponential distribution, is as follows:

Step1: Compute the cdf of the desired random variable t.
For the exponential distribution, the cdf is 

Step2: Set F(t)=U
on the range of t. For the exponential distribution, it becomes
on the range
t ³0.
Here R is a uniform distribution over the interval (0,1).

Step3: Solving, the equation F(t)=U for t in terms of U.
For the exponential distribution the solution proceeds as follows:

This equation called random variate
generator for the exponential distribution.
Step4: Generate (as needed) uniform random numbers
and compute the desired random variates by

One simplification that is usually employed in the above
equation is to replace
to yield
which is justified since both
are uniformly distributed on (0,1).

7-8 Service
times: Frequently, the service time of a process is constant; but where
it varies stochastically, it must be described by a probability function. In
describing service time, the following notation will be used:
Ts = Mean service time
m = Mean service rate
So(t) = Probability that service time is > t.
If the service time is considered to be completely
random, it may be represented by an exponential distribution or, if the
co-efficient of variation is found to differ significantly from 1, an Erlang or
hyper-exponential distribution may be used. A common situation is that,
although the service time should be a constant, there are random fluctuations
due to uncontrolled factors. For example, a machine tool may be expected to
take a fixed time to turn out a part, but random variations in the amount of
material to be removed and the toughness of the material cause fluctuations in
the processing time. The normal or Gaussian distribution is often used to
represent the service time under these circumstances.
7-9 The Normal
distribution: The normal probability density function is symmetric
about its mean value and is completely characterized by its mean value m and standard
deviation s.
A random variable X with mean m(-µ < m < µ) and variance
has a normal
distribution if it has a probability density function (pdf):

The normal pdf is shown is the following figure.
![]() |
Many methods have been developed for generating normally distributed random variates. Neither the cumulative distribution function nor its inverse can be expressed in terms of simple mathematical function because the inverse cumulative distributed function (cdf) cannot be written in closed form.

If the transformation

It is customary to create generators that determine
numbers distributed according to the function f (z) and derive the variable x that has mean m and standard
deviation s
by the transformation
. The variable
z in usually called the standard normal
variate. A very useful approximation method derives normally distributed
random numbers by summing several uniformly distillated random numbers
according to
the following formula:

The distribution of a sequence of members derived from
this formula approaches a normal distribution with mean zero(0) and standard
divination 1 as k approaches infinity. Quite small values of k give good
accuracy. A convenient vales of k is k =12, in which case the formal takes the

This is a direct method of deriving normally distributed
random numbers, based upon the properties of random numbers, rather than using
inverse transformations method.
7-10 Queuing Disciplines
Question: Discuss
different queuing disciplines and other associative terms. (M.Sc.- ’97,’01)
Answer: One of the factors for describing
congestion is the queuing discipline that determines how the next entity is
selected from a waiting line. The most common queuing discipline and some of
the terms used in describing queues are as follows:
(a) A First-In, First-Out (FIFO) discipline
occurs when the arriving entities assemble in the time order in which they
arrive. Service is offered next to the entity that has waited longest.
(b) A Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) discipline,
occurs when service is next offered to the entity that arrived most recently.
It is the precise discipline for records stored on a magnetic tape that are
read back without rewinding the tape.
(c) A random discipline means that a random
choice is made between all waiting entities at the time service is to be
offered. Unless specified otherwise, the term random implies that all waiting
entities have an equal opportunity of being selected.
Reneging: It means that entities leave before there
service is due to being, and when this occurs the rules for reneging must be
specified. Reneging may depends on the waiting line length or the amount of
time an entity has waited.
Balking: It means an entity refuses to join a waiting
Polling: When there is more than one line forming
for the same service, the action of sharing service between the lines is called
polling. The polling discipline needs to be specified by giving the order in
which the lines are served, the number of entities served at each offering of
service, and the time (if any) in transferring service between lines.
Priority: Some members of a waiting line may have
priority, meaning that they have a right to be served ahead of all other
members of lower priority. There may be several levels of priority and since
there may be several members in the same priority class, a queuing discipline
must be specified for member within a class. A typical situation is for service
to be by priority, and first-in, first-out within priority class.
When priority is allowed, a factor that must be considered is
what happens when a new arrival has a higher priority than the entity currently
being served. If, new arrival with higher priority displace the entity being
served, the new arrival is the said to interrupt or preempt the service.
Question: Define
‘reneging’ and ‘balking’ according to queuing discipline of a system. (’99)
Answer: The define of the terms ‘reneging’ and
‘balking’ according to queuing discipline of a system are given below:
Reneging: It means that entities leave before there
service is due to being, and when this occurs the rules for reneging must be
specified. Reneging may depends on the waiting line length or the amount of
time an entity has waited.
Balking: It means an entity refuses to join a
waiting line.
Question: You are given to simulate the
bill reception counter of a bank. What will be your queuing discipline? Justify
your choice. (’98)
our queuing discipline should be FIFO (First-In-First-Out) where entities
assemble in the time order in which they arrive. Service is offered next to the
entity that has waited longest. Here we also consider reneging situation. Reneging means that entities leave before their
service is due to being. Reneging may depend on the waiting line length or the
amount of time an entity has waited. Multiple lines can be formed, where one
for young peoples and other for old peoples. These two lines may be served from
a single counter and this type of sharing service is called polling. Service is
offered first for old peoples that means old peoples line has higher priority
than young people line but service should not be preempted/interrupted by other
7-11: Measures of Queues:
Question: Discuss
different key parameters used as measures of queues.
Question: Discuss any
one of key parameters used as measures of queues. (M.Sc.- 97)
Answer: We can consider the following terms: mean
inter-arrival time,
, mean
service time
together with the corresponding rates, mean arrival rates
and mean service rate
. The
ratio of the mean service time of mean inter-arrival time is called the traffic
intensity, denoted by u.

Here, prime is used, because there may balking or reneging,
that is not all arriving entities will get served. It is therefore necessary to
distinguish between the actual arrival rate and the arrival rate of the
entities that get served. For this purpose, we define the quantity,
Server utilization,
Server utilization (for single server)

both the traffic intensity and server utilization can be greater than 1. If so,
a single server cannot keep up with the flow of traffic. If more than one
server is used, say n servers, server utilization is redefined to reflect the
load on each individual server, as follows:
n Number
of servers

Two principle measures of queuing systems are the mean number
of entities waiting and mean time they spend waiting. Both these quantities may
refer to the total number of entities in the system, those waiting and those
being served, or they may refer to the entities in the waiting line only. The
probability that an entity will have to wait more than a given time, called
delay distribution and will be denoted as follows:

Question: What is queue? Give the
equations for mathematical solutions for queuing problems.
(1st Part) Queue: Sometimes, in a system, there are more entities arrive than
can be served at one time, and some entities must wait for service. The entities
are then said to join a waiting line. The combination of all entities in the
system- those being served, and those waiting for service- will be called a
(2nd Part) A number of
problems involving queues can be solved mathematically. All solutions given
here are for infinite populations of sources; that is, the arrival rates are
not affected by the number of entities currently in the system. We give
solutions for the case of a single server with Poisson arrivals and different
service time distributions. The cases considered for hyper-exponential,
exponential, Erlang, and constant service time distributions. The equations for
mean number of entities in the system, when

In all
cases, the total number of entities waiting for service and the mean times
spent waiting, both for service to begin and for service to be competed, can be
derived from L with the following

7-14: Grade of Service:
Question: Write short notes on grade of
Grade of service:
Answer: The grade of
service places some limit, or limits, on the length of time an entity must wait
for service measured either as the time for service to begin or to be
completed. This is an a important characteristics of any system involving human
beings, for example, a telephone system, or any computer-based terminal system.
The limit might be absolute, but it is usually expressed in probability
terms. The requirement, for example,
might be that not more than 10% of the requests for service should have to more
than three seconds.

To meet such criteria, it is necessary to
know the probability of waiting a given length of time, and so waiting time
probabilities are important outputs of simulation studies. As an illustration,
following figure shows the probability of waiting longer than a given time for
service to begin, in the case of a single server with Poison arrivals and an
exponential service time distribution. The probability, denoted by
and the corresponding function for the
probability of service being completed,
this particular system are

As can be seen from the following figure,
the results can be plotted as a function of
, with a separate curve for each value of

Figure 7-9: Probability of spending time waiting for
service to begin. (chapter –7, Page 168)
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